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Staff Recommendation

A delinquent gets isekai’d and doted on by the strongest beast king?!

Rintaro, a freelancer (and an omega), gets transported to another world after looking into a fortune teller’s mirror. After landing in this new world, he sees someone getting mugged and jumps into action…but then he suddenly goes into heat?! The extremely beautiful alpha, Varuna, comes to his rescue, and we learn that the two are a “fated pair”… Varuna tells Rintaro he has been searching for him for a long time and wants all of him. Rintaro just got there, but he’s already melting in Varuna’s arms!
The sex scenes are so steamy even just their breathing got us all hot and bothered! There’s a scene where some women are hurling insults at Rintaro, but Varuna wasn’t having it! Seeing Varuna unleash his alpha beast mode and protect Rintaro had our hearts racing non-stop. The way he stood his ground left quite the impression. He’s a man who knows how to defend what’s his!
Getting suddenly dropped into another world, meeting your fated pair, and becoming one… This story will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, and the thrilling sex scenes and beautiful artwork will for sure keep you hooked!

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