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Mr. Hal's Stan

Mr. Hal's Stan

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5 (2)

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Story :  "Good night, Mr. Hal." Plain, geeky Yuichi Mikoshiba (a dude) is male idol Hal's biggest fan. The trouble is, he was starting to shoot past "fan" and right into "stalker" territory, even going so far as to move to a place with a view of Hal's apartment and take pictures of him through the windows every night... Before he can go full-blown stalker, Mikoshiba hits the jackpot on a TV lottery: he wins a date with Hal! Spending the whole day with his beloved Hal is like a dream come true, even if it is only pretend. However, not long afterward Mikoshiba accidentally discovers that Hal really does (secretly) play for his team... Then, to his shock, Hal pulls him into a hotel room and offers to "pay" for his silence. Apparently, Mikoshiba was totally his type! Hal starts stripping him, and all signs are pointing toward sex, when Mikoshiba's big mouth gets ahead of him and ruins the fun... Now what'll he do?
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This title has 6 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count 27 Pages

Publisher FILL-IN

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date May 25, 2023 (PST)

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