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Falling for a Devoted Pilot

Falling for a Devoted Pilot
Story :  I am unable to resist the elite pilot's skillful love tactics! The cool and composed pilot suddenly transforms into someone who is hopelessly in love!I had vowed never to fall for a pilot, but with his tender and at times intense displays of affection, I can't help but feel my heart flutter at his overwhelming advances.

Serina, a twenty-eight-year-old airport concierge, prioritizes her work and hasn't been in a relationship for a while. Amid her busy days, she has a fateful encounter at a cafe with Hajime, who is seven years older than her. He seems cool at first, but once they get closer, he flashes a sweet smile. Serina begins to feel a spark she hasn't experienced in a long time. However, she later meets Hajime again at her workplace, where he works as a co-pilot. But Serina has a reason why she absolutely cannot fall in love with a pilot!
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher BisouBisou Comics

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date November 14, 2024 (PST)

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