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The Sound of Love in the Sun

The Sound of Love in the Sun

Author : 


Story :  "What is your wish?"
After taking a year off to study for college, Chitose starts avoiding his parents and friends out of shame. One day in a rush on his way to work, Chitose trips over a piece of a wrecked shrine. Days after he says he'd move the shrine to his place if he could, a man in a strange get-up stops Chitose on the street and hugs him...!?
"I need you."
The man, Amane, claims he's a god and says he's going to move in with Chitose.
Chitose caves under the pressure and takes him back to his place, where Amane kisses him and gently pushes him onto the ground!?
So starts the odd relationships between two roomates, a rice god looking for a place, and a do-gooder high-school graduate!

This title has 4 chapters.
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Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher CLLENN

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date April 11, 2024 (PST)

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