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Time for Business!?

Time for Business!?

Author : 

Akira Kanbe / Minori Shima

Story :  Loved by two CEOs, Kenshirou and Ryouma, Eita's forced to wear many costumes and is hounded by their sexual advances as well as marriage proposals every day... but there are dark clouds on the horizon! Kenshirou's father, Kengo, will stop at nothing to find out if Eita is a suitable wife... by making his life a living hell! And what'll happen when a mysterious Italian named Julio joins the mix!?
MangaPlaza Premium Member Special 699 Point Reward!

This title has 1 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count


Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date January 4, 2024 (PST)

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