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Genre : 

Harlequin Complete

Story :  Penelope is taken aback when her sister suddenly announces that she is leaving her fiance and marrying the Count. To further elevate her status as a noblewoman, the Count recommends the sisters to be Queen Elizabeth's handmaidens. One day after she begins working at the court, Penelope is reunited with a man she has met. And it's Oliver! Her sister's former fiancee, the one Penelope has been in love with since she was a little girl. She never thought she would see him again in a place like this! Penelope is delighted, but then she learns that the court is often the scene of suspicious deaths of his master Lord Dudley's followers...?
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Harlequin

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date December 27, 2023 (PST)

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