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My Adventurer Life: I Became the Strongest Magic-Refining Sage in a New World

My Adventurer Life: I Became the Strongest Magic-Refining Sage in a New World

Author : 

Shinkoshoto / Yuyu Kanna / Cut

Story :  After his tragic death, Minato was reborn in a world where Offensive Magic has not been banned. He was thrilled to see that Offensive Magic for the first time, however he couldn't help but wonder why all the magic circles are so inefficient?! After witnessing how ineffective the magic in this new world is, he decides to use knowledge from his previous, far more advanced world to improve it. Come along on Minato's quest to improve the magic of his new home!

This title has 30 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Manga UP!

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date January 19, 2024 (PST)

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