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Scandal Syndrome

Scandal Syndrome

Author : 


Story :  Suddenly pulled off the production team of a blockbuster TV drama, Seto is assigned to direct an up-close-and-personal documentary about the new pop idol group "Spica." When Seto reluctantly pays the group a visit, instead of the sparkling youth he saw on stage, he comes face to face with the chronically introverted Miyako Okihana. Despite his pop persona, Miyako is earnest, na?ve, and somewhat fragile. Concerned for his stage partner's welfare, Ryuji tries to make a deal with Seto, leaving him alone with Miyako in the idol's apartment. Miyako leans towards him, blushing, his eyes moist and a sweet sigh spilling from his slightly parted lips, pleading, "Just a little more." Why is Miyako revealing this side of him to Seto...?
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Iproduction Co. Ltd.

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date December 28, 2023 (PST)

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