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Welcome to the Ballroom

Welcome to the Ballroom

Reviews : 


4 (1)

Author : 

Tomo Takeuchi

Story :  Feckless high school student Tatara Fujita wants to be good at something - anything. Unfortunately, he's about as average as a slouchy teen can be. The local bullies know this, and make it a habit to hit him up for cash, but all that changes when the debonair Kaname Sengoku sends them packing. Sengoku's not the neighborhood watch, though. He's a professional ballroom dancer. And once Tatara Fujita gets pulled into the world of the ballroom, his life will nevver be the same.

This title has 11 chapters/volumes.
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  • StarStarStarStarStar


    March 11, 2024 (PST)

    An inspiring story
    Here you have an atypical theme for a shounen manga and art that is unintentionally terrifying, yet it still manages to keep you reading with its elegance.
    Helpful 0 Helpful


Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date December 12, 2023 (PST)

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