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Lazy Cooking For Beginners

Lazy Cooking For Beginners

Author : 

Kano Kashiwagi

Genre : 

Food and Drink Shoujo

Story :  Nao's band has split up, but he's not ready to give up on his dreams. He and his roommate Sanshiro spend their days lazily enjoying their time, but they soon realize they need to start cooking to survive... and this is where Sanshiro's creative energy comes alive! With the help of a group of other lovable characters, the two learn some easy ways to cook some good food while Nao continues his quest to become a successful musician!

This title has 1 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Renta Comics

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date August 17, 2023 (PST)

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