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The Uninvited Cat and His Fickle Master

The Uninvited Cat and His Fickle Master

Author : 


Story :  One day, a beautiful man collapses in front of the home of Araragi Rikuo. "I'm the cat you rescued last week!" Such are the crazed ramblings of the self-proclaimed cat boy, given the name Tama by Rikuo, and so their life together begins...Outside of jerking off next to Rikuo in bed, Tama appears to be a cat given human form to stay close to Rikuo just as he says. But, after seeing Tama in a high class suit by chance one day, Rikuo starts to notice discrepancies in their life together and in his feelings...

This title has 6 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Julian Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date August 10, 2023 (PST)

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