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No one's perfect

No one's perfect

Author : 


Story :  38-year-old businessman Masami has the best boyfriend in the world.
Tora's tall,built,and super hot! More than anything,he's incredibly kind.
It's no wonder Masami relies on him so much.
He even has four other boyfriends besides Tora,but Tora doesn't seem to mind. He always welcomes Masami with a warm smile and a gentle kiss. But,what if Tora has other guys on the side,too...?
Is that why he's so "understanding" about Masami's other lovers? Read on to find out...!!

This title has 10 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Intelfin Inc.

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date August 3, 2023 (PST)

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