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Jeanne D'Arc-Full Color

Jeanne D'Arc-Full Color

Author : 

Akio Shiba / Ryo Kurashina

Story :  Born in the small mountain village of Domremy in France, she rose to eventually carry a flag in the front lines of a feudal war, and still stands today as the tragic symbol of freedom in France: Jeanne d'Arc. Country, family, village, descent... and the opposite sex... A human story where many types of love intertwine. The five burning years of the girl named Jeanne, who later came to be known as La Pucelle d'Orleans (The Maid of Orleans), passed in the blink of an eye. Kurashina Ryou, famous for his "Emppress" series, joins up with the sentimental Shiba Akio for a new interpretation, boasting gentle and elegant scenes, as well as a tragic darkness that swallows up time into a swirl of conspiracy... This is a very bravely drawn depiction of Jeanne d'Arc!

This title has 2 chapters/volumes.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Group-Zero Co., Ltd.

Color or Monochrome color


Digital Release Date June 15, 2023 (PST)

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