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Our Sweet, Nameless Days of Adoration and Jealousy

Our Sweet, Nameless Days of Adoration and Jealousy

Author : 


Story :  A pet owner who hasn't been honest with his feelings, and a pure, innocent half-human half-lizard experiencing all sorts of feelings and complications in their inter-species love romance! Azuma is a human who, as a child, came across a small lizard that became his pet. This turned out to be Eito, a half-lizard half-human! The two of them now care very much about each other and enjoy lots of sex together, but they've never given a clear name to their relationship. They're both family as owner and pet, and caring lovers. There's not exactly a name for that kind of connection, but Azuma and Eito slowly piece together what that love is as they feel adoration, jealousy, differences, and passion in the quiet moments of their daily life.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count 25 Pages

Publisher FILL-IN

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date May 25, 2023 (PST)

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