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The Gilded Flower Memoirs

The Gilded Flower Memoirs

Author : 

Soyoko Igari

Story :  "One day, you're sure to become the Queen of France."

In 18th Century Paris... Nicole, a maid, and Jeanne, a socialite, are the best of friends. Nicole's one wish is for the beautiful and clever Jeanne to become the Queen of France, as predicted by a fortune-teller.
However, since she's of common birth, Jeanne is scorned by members of the peerage. Unperturbed, Nicole somehow manages to get an invitation to the upcoming masked ball, and both of them sneak in...
Do they have a chance at actually meeting Louis XV, the King of France...!?

This memoir details the life of the first commoner to be taken as courtesan to a King of France.
A tale of romance with connections to both Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution!!

This title has 12 chapters.
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Renta Comics

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date May 18, 2023 (PST)

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