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Genre : 

Harlequin Complete

Story :  Sierra had to give up her twins due to circumstances beyond her control, but now she's learned that their foster parents died in an accident. The twins have been taken in by the foster father's younger brother, and he's decided to hire a babysitter. Sierra, using her experience as a pediatric nurse to her advantage and concealing her relationship to her babies, lands the job. She's filled with happiness at finally being able to care for her children. And she realized that Coop, a famous ex-athlete with a playboy reputation, is surprisingly good at looking after them. As the two care for the twins, they are drawn to each other...but what will happen if Coop discovers the truth about Sierra?

This title has 12 chapters.
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Harlequin

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date September 14, 2022 (PST)

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