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Genre : 

Harlequin Complete

Story :  Glenna's older sister drowned at sea when they were on vacation in Florida ten years ago, and Glenna knew that the man involved had a tattoo of the legendary moon bird on his wrist. Now Glenna is working as a famous photographer's assistant, and she's back at the same spot in Florida for a shoot. She's determined to find out the truth of what happened to her sister while she's there. But there are three men with the moon bird tattoo, and they're all brothers! One of them approaches her while she's scouting a location... Was he the one, or was it one of his brothers? Glenna can feel her heart pounding. She knows she shouldn't fall for him...yet he's so hard to resist!

This title has 12 chapters.
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Harlequin

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date September 14, 2022 (PST)

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