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Sadism overflowing from beneath his smock

Sadism overflowing from beneath his smock

Author : 

Ruki Ichikawa

Story :  "You don't like it? But your body is enjoying it." He rubs my most sensitive, wettest part with his finger as my legs are spread wide open... I cum over and over again, so much I feel like I'm going to faint... Asahi is a doctor in training who reunites at a hospital with Yamato, her classmate from middle school. Yamato used to be nice, and they promised that they'd become doctors, but for some reason he's transformed into an unbelievably cold-hearted heart surgeon... "I'll train you," he says, and starts to teach her medicine know-how, but then adds: "I need to relieve some stress. You can pay me with your body," and starts erotically teasing her... Or so she thinks, until he suddenly gives her a long deep kiss just a like a lover would! What is Yamato planning!?
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Mobile Media Research

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date March 15, 2022 (PST)

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