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He's Mr. Takakura's Most Prized Piece

He's Mr. Takakura's Most Prized Piece

Author : 

Soi Hanakomaki

Story :  One day, Hane, an office worker, pays a visit to a high-class gallery space. There, he meets Takakura, the gallery manager. The two of them hit it off immediately! With his angelic features, one would never expect that Hane is actually a fan of the artist Fujii, famed for his salacious artworks. Takakura finds himself drawn to Hane's indescribable charm, so much so that they meet every weekend for drinks. However, everything changes when it turns out that Hane actually has quite the extraordinary relationship with Fujii, that favored artist of his...! A sweet, soft love story between a gentle gallery manager and an airheaded office worker, chapter 1!

This title has 6 chapters.
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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count 41 Pages


Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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