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The Rainbow That Follows the Storm

The Rainbow That Follows the Storm

Author : 

Yoriko Wada

Story :  Sayaka Shimada, 36 and single, loves three things: her job, her favorite singer, and her mother, who lives with her. Even with her junior coworker Sugaya tossing thoughtless comments her way, she'd poured herself into her work, and when she paused to look up she found herself on the cusp of her late 30s. Partly at her mother's suggestion, Sayaka visits a matchmaking service. The man she's introduced to is sweet and earnest, and things start moving smoothly toward marriage. Though it hasn't all sunk in yet, she is well on her way to a happy future--and that's when a sudden injury leaves her mother hospitalized. The injury is nothing too serious and Sayaka is settling her nerves, until she notices something off about her mother... A poignant and much-acclaimed depiction of the struggles of caretaking and building a future, issues faced by countless people every day!

This title has 12 chapters.
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Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Solmare Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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