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Juliet, You Idiot

Juliet, You Idiot

Author : 

Kobayashi Smeagol

Story :  I'm sorry we bonded...A story between two mismatched hearts: a single-minded yet-sincere alpha, and a somewhat daft and stubborn omega. They're supposed to be in love with each other, but it turns out all they have is heat.Luka the omega and Taisei the alpha are bonded. They live apart, only 'seeing' one another when Luka is in estrus, and as soon as the deed is done, Taisei is out the door. Luka can't bring himself to ask him not to leave. But all the small things tug at the heartstrings...


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Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Fusion Product Inc

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date

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