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Genshiken Omnibus

Genshiken Omnibus

Author : 

Shimoku Kio

Story :  It's spring of freshman year, and Kanji Sasahara has a difficult dilemma. Should he declare his love for manga and anime fandom by joining an otaku club, like he has always wanted to? Is he prepared to deal with the social stigma attached to being an otaku? Meanwhile, Saki Kasakabe has her own otaku conundrum. How can she turn her boyfriend, anime fanboy Makoto, into a normal guy? Kanji follow his heart as does Saki. When both Kanji and Makoto join Genshiken: The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture, Saki chases Makoto through the various activities of the club from costumeplaying and comic conventions, to video gaming and anime model figures. Saki finds otaku to be more than she imagined, but not necessarily in a good way. Includes special extras after the story!
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This title has 56 chapters/volumes.
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A story about nerds that's relatable to everyone
Sure they may be all anime nerds, but that doesn't mean you have to be one to relate! A coming-of-age college story about pursuing a passionate hobby and being proud of it. The story here is really full of heart. Nerds are just like everyone else. They have struggles. They find love. Speaking of which, although it's not always at the forefront, the budding relationship between the characters really had me invested. (Which ones? Read and find out!) Yes, there was some audible squealing here.


Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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