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Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie

Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie

Reviews : 


4 (1)

Author : 

Keigo Maki

Story :  Shikimori and Izumi are high school sweethearts. They hold hands walking home from school, they flirt in the halls, they tease each other. But Shikimori knows what she wants, and how to get it, and she can turn from cutie to cool in an instant.
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  • StarStarStarStarStar


    November 14, 2023 (PST)

    Is 'cool' the right word?
    This review contains spoilers. Shikimori is a normal high school student. She only looks cool because she knows how to save Izumi from dangerous situations. This manga follows the already established couple of Yu and Mi (nice word play). He used all of his luck asking her out and she accepted the role of being his bodyguard (not literally). However, the story does follow the typical tropes of love triangles, but they way they are handled are unique and not frustrating. Shikimori becomes friends with the love rival and hears her out instead of what we usually get.
    Helpful 0 Helpful

Review Spotlight!

Shikimori is just…!
A wholesome love comedy! However, this isn't just about a character named Shikimori being cute! There's also a character Izumi who's really adorable, and goes along really well with Shikimori in terms of personality differences. This title is great for wanting to just soak up adorable characters and adorable scenes!


Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date

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