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The Prince's Romance Gambit

The Prince's Romance Gambit

Author : 

Nikki Asada

Genre : 

Romance Comedy

Story :  With an IQ of 500, Prince Hatsuyuki Ichimonji has the bloodline of kings and more oil companies and titles than he can count! Even with everything at his fingertips, this extraordinary prince has his life thrown completely off-balance by one absolutely plain and plebian girl, Koume Yoshida! But she's unsure if she wants anything to do with him! Will the prince manage to wedge his way into her heart through sheer persistence? The love story begins with The Prince's Romance Gambit volume one!


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The Prince and the Potty
An incredibly remarkable guy from a royal bloodline of people with 500IQ and relatives who are oil tycoons falls in love with the MC who's a commoner! Whenever this guy's heart flutters, roses bloom, rainbows appear, and birds sing... It makes me want to scream - "What the heck?! He's gonna confess in a situation like this?!" But his intentions are definitely pure! Even though they first meet in a bathroom, the story that follows is quite exciting and romantic!


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date

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