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The Knight Cartoonist and Her Orc Editor

The Knight Cartoonist and Her Orc Editor

Author : 

Indo So / Takafumi Sato

Story :  Yeld, an orc sick of life in his dark-fantasy realm, decides to move to Tokyo and become a manga editor. One day, he's visited by a full-time armored swordswoman, part-time aspiring manga artist-one who gets practically suicidal whenever her work gets rejected! Between her, a tentacle monster summoned as an assistant, and a slime girl with all kinds of "helpful" manga tools, there's never been a stranger pack of creators! It's the most realistic(?) depiction of the manga industry yet!

This title has 16 chapters.
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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