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Peach Boy Riverside

Peach Boy Riverside

Author : 

Johanne / Coolkyousinnjya

Story :  Saltherine, princess of the Kingdom of Aldarake, dreams of traveling the world...a dangerous dream in a land where monsters roam the countryside! A chance meeting with a wanderer named Mikoto gives her hope that she might still find excitement in her life. But then she discovers the wanderer's true identity: Momotaro the Peach Boy, demon slayer of legend! Though terrified by his bloody profession, Sally feels driven to follow Momotaro and learn more. But is this curiosity, or a magical connection that goes deeper than either of them realize...?


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Journey With a Princess to Stop a Demon
Momotaro, a legendary fairy tale beloved in Japan, has been made into a comic! Momotaro is a beautiful, frail-looking boy. How could he possibly conquer such a terrifying ogre?


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date

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