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My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1

My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1

Author : 


Story :  Ryota Sato gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly transported into another world and nearly clobbered at the hands of the young, pretty adventurer Emily Brown. This new world revolves around defeating monsters and profiting on whatever they drop-food, money, items, etc. Unfortunately for Ryota, he has no skills to speak of...until he learns he has the ability to get rare drops! Suddenly his luck turns around...or does it?


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Transported to Another World, but...with Lvl 1 Stats?!
In the real world, the protagonist was an office worker on the verge of dying from overwork, but when he opens his eyes, he suddenly finds himself transported to a mysterious world where monsters drop loot once defeated. It's hard not to cheer for the protagonist who's just trying his darndest to make a living through the unique drop-rate skill he has. You got this, dude! Don't give up trying to get that sweet, sweet rare loot!


Content Rating13+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date

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