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Land of the Lustrous

Land of the Lustrous

Author : 

Haruko Ichikawa

Story :  In a world inhabited by crystalline lifeforms called The Lustrous, every unique gem must fight for their way of life against the threat of lunarians who would turn them into decorations. Phosphophyllite, the most fragile and brittle of gems, longs to join the battle. When Phos is instead assigned to complete a natural history of their world, it sounds like a dull and pointless task. But this new job brings Phos into contact with Cinnabar, a gem forced to live in isolation. Can Phos's seemingly mundane assignment lead both Phos and Cinnabar to the fulfillment they desire?
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28 Treasures
In a distant future, there are 28 people with crystalline bodies and a teacher who unites them. As they prepare for their struggle against the lunarians who want to turn them into ornaments, we are taken into a mysterious world that is black and white, yet as beautiful and somehow sad as if the gems were shining. You'll never stop asking what will happen next!


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date

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