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Karate Heat

Karate Heat

Author : 

Eiichi Kitano

Story :  "All you need is the floor and your body. Then all that's left is to make a fist."...Shinya Kinoshita, a boy with incredible posture, and Takumi Yanagiya, the 6-time elementary school national champion. They met by chance... but it was surely fate. The two meet, laugh, and are drawn together by each other. The stage of this story is the Kawasaki Ukishima Junior High School Karate Club. A karate journey full of sweat, bonds, and smiles is just beginning!!
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This title has 23 chapters/volumes.
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Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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