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Reviews : 


1 (1)

Author : 

Yasushi Baba

Story :  Dark, disturbing, sexy, and shameful, this new sci-fi action manga stars a dominating teenage girl searching for a sister who became a monster, and a submissive boy with the strange power to turn into a ragged but powerful beast, with a zipper down his back and a compartment on the inside just big enough to hold a human body.Shuichi Kagaya an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: He can transform into a furry dog with an oversized revolver and a zipper down his back. He saves the girl's life, sharing his secret with her. But she's searching for the sister who killed her family, and she doesn't care how degrading it gets: She will use Shuichi to accomplish her mission...

This title has 39 chapters/volumes.
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  • StarStarStarStarStar


    November 20, 2023 (PST)

    Not for the faint of heart
    This explicit manga is not for those who squirm at blood gore. Fans of attack on titan and other series like it may want to try this one. But it's certainly not for me.
    Helpful 0 Helpful

Review Spotlight!

Superhumans are among us
Indiscriminate murders abound on an alternate Earth where a powerful nation produces and sells "Peacemakers," hi-tech devices that grant one bulletproof protection and inhuman strength.


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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