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A Kiss, For Real

A Kiss, For Real

Reviews : 


3.5 (2)

Author : 

Fumie Akuta

Story :  Chitose is a high school girl who lives her life wearing a "mask" in order to be liked by everyone. One day, a boy named Itsuki saves her from a p*rvert. Unable to forget his eyes, she follows him to an art prep school!! Then, Chitose was led around the prep school by Itsuki, but he sees through her fake facade... This is a sweet but sadistic love story between a mask-wearing girl and a free-spirited boy!

This title has 37 chapters/volumes.
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  • StarStarStarStarStar


    November 17, 2023 (PST)

    This review contains spoilers. This is one of those series that immediately loses it's initial idea once the story get's more volumes. This is also a story where there is a lack of progress between the two main leads once the love rival enters, and that arc goes on for most of the story.
    Helpful 0 Helpful

Review Spotlight!

Take off the Mask
The lengths people will go to be loved by another person are amazing! The main character works really hard to unmask the guy they met! I want everyone to root for them!!


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Kodansha USA Publishing

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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