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At 35, It's Too Late For Love

At 35, It's Too Late For Love

Reviews : 


4.4 (13)

Author : 


Story :  At 35 years old, Mariko Kimoto is a single woman working hard as a freelance writer. After a long dry spell, she hits it off one night with the head chef of a little restaurant and spends a passionate night with him. Naturally, she felt she had no energy to put into a potential romance with a man she just met in passing. She had every intention of making it a one-night stand, but fate seems to bring them together again when he winds up being the interview subject of her next assignment. So much for 35 years old being too late for love...!
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  • StarStarStarStarStar


    March 21, 2024 (PST)

    Convoluted, contradictory, and cute (?)
    I started the book rather enjoying its realistic takes on life and love especially at an older age but somewhere towards the later half it just got muddied and convoluted. At some point there wasn't any realistic chemistry between the leads because they only work and fck. Like mans can't go a single interaction without taking his clothes off to the point that he openly admits multiple times he only ever thinks about her body. The last few chapters were particularly annoying as our fl struggles with her identity vs love, marriage and kids. However any choice or determination she makes is almost immediately written over and changed or she has the same struggle over again without much change. All of her decisions and choices are almost exclusively made just over the s*x the two leads have. It felt like fl had taken a back seat in her own story. I'm all for interesting, flawed, and dimensional characters, however there was little to no genuine character development. Perhaps I'm being too harsh, it was a decent story, I liked the art and her character wasn't the worst, but after such a good start to the book I was left annoyed and disappointed upon completion.
    Helpful 0 Helpful
  • StarStarStarStarStar


    February 20, 2024 (PST)

    Amazing story!
    For someone in a similar stage of life, this story was awesome. It goes through realistic scenarios and asks the same questions that float around us when we take a moment to self-reflect. The difference is that im still asking the same questions, yet see the end of the protagonists’ story! This serves as a good reminder that it is ok to question yourself, to forget your initial objective, to come back to what you originally aimed for when you’re ready, and also that it’s okay change your mind. Because what ends up happening may be better than what you thought. Love it!
    Helpful 1 Helpful

Review Spotlight!

Love knows no age
Really enjoying this one. When you're in your mid-thirties, there's a lot of pressure regarding relationships, regardless of gender. "You should find yourself a boyfriend/girlfriend." "Hurry up and get married." It all makes you feel like you're not wanted anymore. What these characters go through is so raw and relatable. Can't wait to find out where they end up!


Content Rating18+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Mobile Media Research

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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