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Author : 

Momoko Tenzen

Story :  Nana (no-name in Japanese) has no memory of his childhood before the age of twelve, when a store owner took him in and cruelly named him. The only clues to Nana's past life are the burn scars on his legs and his irrational fear of fire. Enter Mitsuha, a vagabond writer, who crashes Nana's place at the insistence of a mutual friend. At first, Nana loathes Mitsuha's very existence - although he can't sleep alone, Nana doesn't like it when his new roommate climbs into bed with him, either - but eventually, he warms to Mitsuha's sincerity and kindness and finds happiness waking beside him. Can their budding relationship help Nana come to terms with his unknown past?

This title has 6 chapters.
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Admitting your feelings isn't always easy
I'm completely won over by Nana's childish stubbornness and shy innocence. Even when he's lonely and yearning for Mitsuha, he just won't admit it! It's a huge moment when he finally musters up the courage to confess his feelings - one that'll definitely stick with you for a while!


Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher TAIYOHTOSHO Co., Ltd./Digital Manga, Inc.

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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