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Author : 

Sara Nakayama / Nicola Marsh

Genre : 

Harlequin Complete

Story :  Keely can't believe her own eyes. A new client introduced by her boss is the very person she yelled at over the phone the other day. She can't absolutely tell anyone about having screamed at this psychologist, Lachlan, on his radio show! Because of her own personal reason, marriage isn't part of her life plan and her goal is to be successful as a web designer. She's unsure if he knows about her, but he takes her out and seduces her. If she isn't careful, he may see through her soul.

This title has 12 chapters.
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Harlequin

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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