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Author : 

Marito Ai / Gina Wilkins

Genre : 

Harlequin Complete

Story :  An unfounded scandal has ended Jamie's dreams of being an actress and sent her back to her hometown after fifteen years in New York. At around the same time, Trevor, a widower with two children, also returned back home from the city. He and Jamie were a couple in their teenage years, and he was Jamie's first love. One day Jamie saves Trevor's son from drowning, and as a thank-you, Trevor invites her for dinner. Long-forgotten, bittersweet memories are resurrected, and her love for him is reignited. But how long will it be before Jamie's scandal reaches Trevor's ears?

This title has 12 chapters.
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Content Rating16+Rating

Page Count

Publisher Harlequin

Color or Monochrome monochrome


Digital Release Date February 28, 2022 (PST)

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