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How do I cancel my Premium membership?
1. After logging in, go to [My Account] → [Premium Membership Details].
2. For security reasons, you may be asked to enter you password or sign in via your social media account again.
3. On the Premium Membership Details page, scroll to the bottom and select [Cancel Premium Membership].
4. Read the details on the confirmation page. Then select the white [Cancel my Premium Membership] button to confirm.
*After submitting a cancellation request, you will still have access to Premium membership content until the end of your free trial/billing period. The cancellation will be effective once the expiration date has passed.
*Users may withdraw their cancellation request before their membership subscription ends if they wish to continue their membership. For details, please see the following FAQ page:

Please note that membership periods are calculated monthly and begin on the billing date. There is no fee for canceling your membership during the free trial period. However, if you cancel after the free trial period, you will be charged your first monthly membership fee.

Additional Notes:
*Even if you cancel your membership before your next billing date, you will not be refunded.
*After cancellation, users will still have access to the Premium membership content until the end of the billing period.

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