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How do I add/change payment methods?
When making a purchase or signing up for the monthly Premium membership (or membership free trial), you will be shown a purchase confirmation screen. Go to the "Add a Payment Method" section to add/change your payment method.

Please note that users may only register one payment method for each type (PayPal/credit card) at a time. If a new and existing payment method are the same time type, the new one will replace the existing one for future purchases.

Users with an active Premium membership or membership free trial:
If the new payment method and the payment method for your Premium membership are the same type (PayPal/credit card), you will need to first cancel your Premium membership and wait until the end of the billing/free trial period to change your payment method. Once the cancellation is effective, you will be able to add your new payment method when making a purchase.

*Users are limited to one free trial. When you register for the Premium membership a second time, the free trial will not apply, and you will immediately enter a paid Premium membership.
*You will not be refunded when you cancel your Premium membership.

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