
Sorry! You need an account to do that! Sign up now to get the most out of your MangaPlaza experience!

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How do I register for an account?
Click here to register for a MangaPlaza account.

You can register using an email address or a social media account ID.

■Registering using an email address
 1. Enter your email address, and select the [Create Your MangaPlaza Account] button.
 2. You will receive a verification email at the selected address. Access the URL in the email.
 3. Enter your account information, and select [Register] to complete the registration process.

■Registering using a social media account ID
 1. Select the Google or Facebook ID you wish to use.
 2. You will be prompted to log in and verify your social media account. Select [Approve] to verify your account.
 3. Enter your account information, and select [Register] to complete the registration process.

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